Abeki |

造訪的旅人幾乎都會點上一杯手沖熱咖啡,再配上老闆手作的起司蛋糕;像是咖啡室裡不成文的搭配組合了,也是初識Abeki 最迷人的方式。

「拿起爐火上的熱壺將水倒進另一個細嘴小壺,熱水注入咖啡濾杯裡,竄起了輕柔白煙,滿室咖啡香瞬時又添上一股厚實香氣。」眼前著實是一場Abeki 咖啡室限定最優雅的手沖演繹。
Abeki |官網

位於街角的NO COFFEE 與剛剛提及的Abeki 約只有距離100公尺,這裡也是旅人必訪的福岡咖啡館之一,自己會對這裡特別情有獨鍾,則是因為店裡不只供應咖啡甜點,還有品牌自創的眾多商品,簡單印有 「NO COFFEE」 的帆布包,似乎當成福岡旅行紀念物也很不錯。

店內空間不大的NO COFFEE, 平日下午小小一家店裡坐滿了客人,這裡座位不多且感覺其實有點擁擠,因此決定直接外帶,於是點了招牌的黑炭拿鐵與之前也曾在東京Onibus Coffee看見的微笑餅乾, 就這麼在小街裡慢走邊喝。

Good up Coffee|

也是位於藥院站不遠的 Good up Coffee,這裡有療癒的奶油紅豆吐司。
Good up Coffee 店內不大,但風格簡樸清雅。使用自家烘焙豆供應義式咖啡與手沖咖啡,咖啡出名外,來這的客人幾乎也都會點上一份厚土司小點,綿密香甜的紅豆泥放上一整塊奶油,再灑上些許海鹽,自己是覺得整體鹽味太重,有點搶過其它配料的風味,J則是認為味道挺特別。
Good up Coffee|FB

siro coffee|

離開藥院地區,在早良區寧靜的小街裡,則有一間白灰悠然氣韻的咖啡小店 siro coffee,窗上掛著半遮的白布,成了咖啡館的裝潢特色,打開門走進的那霎那,裡頭雖已坐滿了人,卻能感受到那般怡然且自在。
以白色為基調的siro coffee ,店名siro 即為日文「白色」的發音。 從2017年開幕至今, 偶爾推出不同模樣口味的飲品小點,這裡沒有太過醒目的裝飾,整體溫溫的調性,我想也正是大家喜歡的原因。
siro coffee|IG
アマムダコタン amam dacotan|

你也是麵包控嗎? 那麼來福岡千萬別錯過中央區的 アマムダコタン amam dacotan ,每日新鮮供應玲瑯滿目的創意鹹甜歐式麵包。

記得當時下午去時, アマムダコタン amam dacotan 門上還有一進一出的入內規定告示,避免麵包店裡一下擠滿了人,輪到我們進去時,大部分受歡迎的品項都被一掃而空了,受歡迎程度可見一班。
アマムダコタン amam dacotan|IG

咖喱時々珈琲 ナミヒラ|

覺得日本人真的好會做咖哩, 而福岡咖喱時々珈琲 ナミヒラ 的咖哩飯,不只味美,也多了幾分創意。
咖喱時々珈琲 ナミヒラ 藏身於小街裡的舊建築,找到不起眼的小門後,需爬上螺旋樓梯至3樓,食堂裡簡單擺上幾張桌椅、舊唱片書籍與植栽,都是一些很居家的裝飾,一整面的窗口讓空間感覺沐浴於陽光底下。

成立近兩年的咖喱時々珈琲 ナミヒラ,是由一對日本年輕夫妻所經營的,先生掌廚,太太則負責外場,偶爾也會看見她走進半開放式的廚房裡幫忙,店內最有名的ナミヒラ 咖喱飯( ¥1200)每日限量供應,重口味的咖哩醬汁,辛香層次還有著香甜番茄味,再放了雞腿、醃菜、地瓜、堅果豆與辣肉醬,使用熊本縣玄米口感紮實嚼勁。
記得曾在直島 Cafe Konichiwa 吃過最想念的海鮮咖哩飯,此次咖喱時々珈琲 ナミヒラ ,也成了我們福岡旅行記憶中的一種美好味道。
延伸閱讀|直島 Cafe Konichiwa,老房子裡的海鮮咖哩料理。
咖喱時々珈琲 ナミヒラ|IG

博多もつ鍋 響|

博多もつ鍋 響的牛腸鍋,則是入了滿滿的黃檸檬切片,酸甜入心的檸檬牛腸鍋,是湯頭多了鮮橙香氣,也因為富含維生素C,所以大受女性朋友的歡迎。
博多もつ鍋 響|官網



福岡美術館旁的 STANDARD MANUAL 與一般印象裡的生活選物店不太一樣,陳列裡多了些五金工具,還有軍風格色調的衣物與雜貨,這裡的商品皆由店主笹部浩昭先生選擇來自世界各地「不受流行影響的生活工具,以及使日常生活更加愉快的物品。」
賞心悅目的 STANDARD MANUAL 店鋪逛起來愉快外,品牌的網路店也建構的相當完善,若不確定是否該前往的人,也能先瀏覽品牌網店再做決定。



「你看!就在前面耶!」遠遠的前方,是 すばる保育園 隆起像座小山的屋頂設計,我們倆興奮地加快腳步,直到清楚地看見整座建築。
2018年竣工的 すばる保育園 ,是由日本建築師藤村龍至所設計的,「建築主要劃分為兩個相連的個體,分別設計容納0-2歲與3-5歲的孩童,一邊望著無際的田野,另一邊則是面向蒼綠的神社樹林,能更自然地將風景收進眼裡;像座小山的弧形屋頂設計,則是希望建築能融入四方的自然景觀。」


來日本福岡旅行已是興奮,這日再由福岡市區坐上列車來到系島市くらすこと小食生活雜貨鋪,加上步行時間共約一小時的路程;遠道而來的期待,在一看見山中的木屋時瞬間被療癒了。我們脫了鞋,就趕緊走進屋內, 喜歡這裡特別安靜的自然氣息。

木櫃裡是一個個妝點別緻的甜甜圈,點了黑糖 ( ¥210 ) 與檸檬金桔 ( ¥250 ) 兩種,再搭配生薑氣泡飲 ( ¥680 ) 和三年番茶( ¥500 )。 喜歡小小個頭甜甜圈有著綿密鬆軟的酥脆口感,黑糖粉嚐起來香甜不膩口;檸檬金桔外層裹上不會太甜膩的糖霜,還有糖漬酸甜果肉,兩款都好美味啊。

在《像是一座小東京,我們一起慢慢走回旅行的家|日本福岡》中有 0 則留言
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Betzula Guncel Giris is a eminent online policy that provides users with access to a wide group of features and services tailored after amusement and gaming enthusiasts. This platform has gained significant esteem due to its accommodating interface and the heterogeneity of activities it offers.
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Betzula Guncel Giris stands out in the online gaming community due to its commitment to alcohol payment and a broad scale of gaming options. Whether you are a random gambler or a important gamer, Betzula provides an amazing and stable environment to enjoy your favorite games. Perpetually keep in mind to bet on responsibly and take advantage of the endure!
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Betzula Guncel Giris is a prominent online rostrum that provides users with access to a spacious reach of features and services tailored for sport and gaming enthusiasts. This party line has gained historic stylishness suitable to its usable interface and the heterogeneity of activities it offers.
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To access Betzula Guncel Giris, users be obliged imagine an account on the platform. The registration transform is straightforward, requiring primary personal information. Once registered, users can log in and enquire into the intercontinental offerings available.
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Betzula Guncel Giris stands out in the online gaming community due to its commitment to alcohol payment and a direct range of gaming options. Whether you are a indifferent better or a acute gamer, Betzula provides an amazing and ensured environment to from your favorite games. Always remember to bet responsibly and take advantage of the endure!
Betzula Guncel Giris
Betzula Guncel Giris is a important online policy that provides users with access to a to the utmost kind of features and services tailored after sport and gaming enthusiasts. This programme has gained impressive stylishness apropos to its accommodating interface and the variety of activities it offers.
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To access Betzula Guncel Giris, users must imagine an account on the platform. The registration process is straightforward, requiring central private information. Once registered, users can log in and traverse the extensive offerings available.
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Betzula Guncel Giris stands manifest in the online gaming community owing to its commitment to user expiation and a indefinite sphere of gaming options. Whether you are a casual gambler or a precarious gamer, Betzula provides an amazing and safe ecosystem to use to advantage your favorite games. Always remember to gamble responsibly and enjoy the experience!
Betzula Guncel Giris
Betzula Guncel Giris is a eminent online platform that provides users with access to a broad kind of features and services tailored seeking amusement and gaming enthusiasts. This party line has gained significant esteem due to its user-friendly interface and the heterogeneity of activities it offers.
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To access Betzula Guncel Giris, users be obliged think up an account on the platform. The registration manage is straightforward, requiring central personal information. Once registered, users can log in and explore the all-embracing offerings available.
Last Thoughts
Betzula Guncel Giris stands in sight in the online gaming community well-earned to its commitment to purchaser satisfaction and a broad range of gaming options. Whether you are a haphazard gambler or a important gamer, Betzula provides an amazing and safe medium to use to advantage your favorite games. Perpetually call to mind to hazard responsibly and take advantage of the experience!
Betzula Guncel Giris
Betzula Guncel Giris is a important online rostrum that provides users with access to a to the utmost kind of features and services tailored because sport and gaming enthusiasts. This platform has gained impressive esteem needed to its explicit interface and the discrepancy of activities it offers.
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2. Distinct Gaming Options: Betzula offers a collection of games, including slots, plain games, and end stockist options. This inconsistency ensures that every gamester can find something that suits their preferences.
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4. Immovable Transactions: Betzula prioritizes the security of its users, implementing advanced encryption and probable payment methods an eye to deposits and withdrawals.
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To access Betzula Guncel Giris, users must imagine an account on the platform. The registration convert is straightforward, requiring prime private information. In the good old days registered, users can log in and enquire into the intercontinental offerings available.
Final Thoughts
Betzula Guncel Giris stands out in the online gaming community owing to its commitment to alcohol payment and a gross sphere of gaming options. Whether you are a haphazard better or a acute gamer, Betzula provides an amazing and stable environment to lift your favorite games. Always about to hazard responsibly and enjoy the trial!
Betzula Guncel Giris
Betzula Guncel Giris is a conspicuous online rostrum that provides users with access to a to the utmost group of features and services tailored for sport and gaming enthusiasts. This programme has gained pregnant repute needed to its accommodating interface and the heterogeneity of activities it offers.
Features of Betzula
1. Usable Interface: The design of the website is peaceful to cross, making it accessible after both recent and experienced users.
2. Different Gaming Options: Betzula offers a discrepancy of games, including slots, table games, and live jobber options. This inconsistency ensures that every gamester can find something that suits their preferences.
3. Promotional Offers: Users can take benefit of various promotions and bonuses that elevate their gaming experience. From welcome bonuses for new members to continuing promotions for devoted players, there are masses of opportunities to inflate winnings.
4. Sure Transactions: Betzula prioritizes the confidence of its users, implementing advanced encryption and secure payment methods in behalf of deposits and withdrawals.
5. Client Promote: The stand provides sterling customer support, with multiple channels at for assistance. Users can quickly conclude any issues or inquiries they may have Bahis Sitesi
How to Access Betzula Guncel Giris
To access Betzula Guncel Giris, users be obliged think up an account on the platform. The registration convert is straightforward, requiring central personal information. Simultaneously registered, users can log in and enquire into the extensive offerings available.
Last Thoughts
Betzula Guncel Giris stands out in the online gaming community owing to its commitment to consumer expiation and a broad cover of gaming options. Whether you are a random better or a serious gamer, Betzula provides an astounding and ensured environment to from your favorite games. Always about to gamble responsibly and get off on the experience!